User Service System

According to the common needs of users and the common practice of the industry, XSKY's user services are divided into "online warranty service", "renewal service", "expert service" and "training service".

Online Warranty Service
Online quality assurance service refers to the online support service provided by XSKY to the user according to the agreed quality assurance service level within the product support life cycle and product service cycle after the user purchases XSKY products.
Renewal service
Renewal service means that after the user purchases XSKY product warranty service expires, he or she can choose to pay or other methods to extend the service period according to needs. During the product support life cycle and product service cycle, XSKY stars will follow the renewal service level agreed in the contract. Technical support services for users.
Expert Services
Expert service refers to the services that XSKY technical consulting experts visit the user's site in person and work with the user to help the user in planning discussion, architecture consultation, system inspection and optimization, development assistance and other services. Before the service is performed, the XSKY service manager and business representative will agree with the user on the scope of the service.
Training Services
Training service is a systematic and standardized knowledge imparting service provided by XSKY for users. XSKY-certified lecturers will follow the standard training materials, in a formal training experiment environment, covering content related to XSKY products, as well as the industry's mainstream open source cloud computing architecture.

User Service Products



通过 XSKY星辰天合提供的专业的安装部署实施服务,帮助客户完成 XSKY星辰天合软件定义存储产品在所匹配的硬件平台的集成和初始配置,准备好对接应用。


XSKY星辰天合认证专家实施的安装部署服务,能极大程度保障客户购买的 XSKY星辰天合软件定义存储软件产品和所选硬件平台的顺利匹配。借鉴多次关键业务生产环境的配置经验,整合好的系统能够为客户应用提供合格可靠的 SDS 运行环境,并且规避基础设施资源错误划分带来的风险。


针对 XSKY星辰天合软件定义分布式存储产品,XSKY星辰天合安装部署服务涵盖了块存储、文件存储和对象存储等多个解决方案的实施场景。凭借全面的产品技术理解、丰富的项目管理经验及成功案例经验,XSKY星辰天合资深技术支持顾问能够帮助客户快速完成 XSKY星辰天合存储产品的安装和解决方案的集成实施。
1. 通过严谨的方案测试与验证流程保证业务的平滑过渡与稳定运行,确保用户的优质体验。
2. 通过专业的项目实施流程、管理方法和工具,降低演进过程中的实施风险,帮助业务快速上线。
3. 通过优质的部署方案极大地缩短部署时间并降低成本,助力客户实现运行稳健。


1. 和客户技术人员共同确定实施拓扑和实施条件
2. 确认目标环境的软硬件配置符合产品安装要求,符合业务性能和可靠性预期
3. 确保目标环境上的遗留数据可安全清除
4. 在硬件上架就绪的条件下实施软件安装部署
5. 创建存储池、卷等样例,供客户运维人员参考


  • 客户服务器硬件、网络硬件上架到位,网络规划清晰

  • 应用负载划分清晰,对存储端的需求清晰

  • 客户端运维接口人就绪,并能提供足够配合


  • 安装部署实施报告:报告将包含 XSKY星辰天合安装部署服务中,涉及到的 XSKY星辰天合软件定义存储的块存储、文件存储和对象存储等产品的安装实施所涉及的详细信息。

  • 知识传授:针对 XSKY星辰天合软件定义存储产品的安装部署、日常操作使用,技术支持工程师将提供必要的知识传授,以保证客户的 XSKY星辰天合存储集群环境可以与客户的应用紧密配合,实现客户业务的高效运行。


1. 实施活动:了解客户的网络环境、硬件环境和需求,确定 XSKY星辰天合存储集群安装部署的范围,并执行 XSKY星辰天合软件的安装实施。
2. 部署活动:深入了解客户上层应用的配置和架构,根据实践方法进行 XSKY星辰天合软件定义存储产品的部署,实现与上层应用的无缝对接。
3. 最终报告:汇总上述活动的全部操作,提供完整的安装实施报告。